Fire that water can’t put out

Alkali metals cannot be extinguished with water.

Because the action of water and alkali metals (such as metal potassium and sodium) can decompose water to generate hydrogen and release a lot of heat, it is easy to cause an explosion.

Carbonated alkali metals and hydrogenated alkali metals cannot be extinguished with water.

Potassium carbide, sodium carbide, aluminum carbide, calcium carbide, potassium hydride, magnesium hydride, etc. can react with water and release a lot of heat, which may cause fire and explosion.

Ethylene liquids that are lighter than water and insoluble in water cannot be put out with water in principle.

Molten molten iron and molten steel cannot be extinguished with water, because the temperature of molten iron and molten steel is about 1600 degrees Celsius, and water vapor can decompose hydrogen and oxygen when it is above 1000 degrees Celsius, which may cause an explosion.

Three acids (sulfuric acid, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid) cannot be extinguished with strong water flow,

If necessary, use spray water to extinguish the fire.

High voltage electrical installation fire

If there is no good grounding equipment or the current is not cut off, it is generally not possible to splash with water.

When a fire comes, don’t panic, respond quickly to the police

Once a fire breaks out, don’t panic. If the fire is not serious, you should quickly use the simple fire extinguishing equipment you have, and take effective measures to control and put out the fire. If the fire is large, call 119 immediately. When calling the police, you must state the detailed address, fire location, fire material, fire size, name and phone number of the caller, and send someone to the intersection to meet the fire truck.

It is usually necessary to design several escape routes in different directions.

To escape in dense smoke, put your body down as much as possible, and cover your mouth and nose with a wet towel.